Application for Position: Full Time Service Representative - Ionia Main Office

INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete all portions of this employment application to be considered for employment. If you require accommodation during the employment process, including assistance in the completion of this employment application, please let us know. We are an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of age, race, sex, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, arrest and court record or any other protected category recognized by state and federal laws. This employment application is valid for a three month period after submission to the credit union and only for the desired position. Consideration for employment after the three-month period requires completion and submission of a new application.

* indicates a required field.


*Social Security Number: - -
(for bondability and criminal conviction checks)

Present Address:
Mailing Address(if different than above):
Contact Information:
*Phone:( ) -
Work:( ) -
Alternate Phone:( ) -

*Have you ever used any other names?   

(for background and criminal conviction checks)
*Can you upon employment, submit verification of your legal right to work in the United States and proof of age?   
*Have you ever been convicted of a crime or entered a pretrial diversion program to avoid a conviction?   

*Are you related to any employee or elected official of M1?   


*Desired Time:   
*Have you applied for work with us before?   
*Have you worked for us before?   
*Apart from religious services, will you be able to work all other times?   

(If hired, you will be required to perform work as required by the credit union.)
*In the last two years, have you have been reprimanded for errors, absenteeism and tardiness?   
*Who referred you to us?




Starting with your present or last job, provide complete employment history for the last 10 years. You must answer all questions and this employment history must be completed even if you submit a resume.
Phone Number:( ) -
Employer Address:

May we contact this employer?   
Phone Number:( ) -
Employer Address:

May we contact this employer?   
Phone Number:( ) -
Employer Address:

May we contact this employer?   


Please provide the names of three persons you are not related to, you have known at least one year and whom we may contact.

*Phone:( ) -

*Phone:( ) -

*Phone:( ) -


How many years of experience do you have with the following:

*Have you worked a job in the past two years that demanded working Saturdays?   

Authorization for Background Investigation and Acknowledgements

I authorize Michigan One Community Credit Union (Credit Union) and/or any entity directed by the Credit Union to obtain an investigative consumer report and/or consumer credit report for employment purposes, including verification of bondability. The reports may include any information as to my credit standing, character, educational achievements, general reputation, personal characteristics or mode of living, including information regarding job performance from previous employers.

I further understand and agree that an investigative consumer report and/or consumer credit report may be obtained at any time, and any number of times, as the Credit Union determines is necessary before, during or after my employment.

I understand that if I have misrepresented or omitted any facts on this application, and I am subsequently hired, I may be discharged upon discovery of the misrepresentations or omissions.

I acknowledge that an offer of employment is contingent upon the outcome of my background check, and in addition I may be required to undertake a post offer physical examination including a drug and alcohol test. Such examination would be conducted at a clinic selected by the Credit Union, and I hereby authorize any physician or clinic involved to release to the Credit Union information derived from the examination.


Security Code:
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